Wednesday 2 December 2015


The most influential person in my life would be my Gong Gong (‘grandfather’ in Chinese). He have been an important part in my life, from my childhood to my adult life. Firstly, I just want to say that this post is dedicated to him for being the best person in my life. There is so many things to talk about the times I had with my Gong Gong, but I will just make it short. I still remember when I was young, the first thing I knew about my Gong Gong was he was a smoker. That was the first thing my Dad told me before going over to his place at Redhill where my uncle and his wife lived as well. We always have this weekly routine going on where all my father’s side family members gathered for dinner. It was every Saturday where all my relatives and my family gathered just to get together, talk and just have fun. It was a joyous occasion for everyone.

When I first knew my Gong Gong, he was about 70+ years old. Every time our families gathered at his place, he will be the person that cooked the dishes and I remember asking my Dad, “Pa, Gong Gong is so old already, why he still cooking for us?’ Then my Dad told me he likes to cook so he does not mind. My Gong Gong could only speak dialects and I did not learn any dialects so communication was hard between me and my Gong Gong. However, I still talked to him with my Dad’s help. After dinner, he would usually go downstairs alone and take a walk. I would walk with him occasionally with my Dad just to make sure he is safe. And we would go to the nearby fruit store to buy fruits and bring back for the family. The ideology for my Gong Gong in walking every time after dinner is to keep fit, maybe that is why I am also interested in exercising. He is also the type of person that does not like to depend on others for help. Every time my uncle, auntie or even my Dad offered helped for him, he would just reject and do it himself. I admire him because still at the age of 70, he still can do so many things by himself. I had always looked up to him as a less talk but more action kind of person and who does not ask anything in return. Toys he gave us to play with and he also joined in when he had the time.

Spending every Chinese New Year and National Day together at his place, I still remember the laughter and fun times we all had every time our families meet up. By the time my Gong Gong reached 80 years old he stopped cooking for us but we would still go to his place at Redhill and eat ‘da-bao’ food. And of course everyone gets older, and when my Gong Gong got older he became weaker and had to depend on others. He had to go for many surgeries because of breathing difficulties but he still pushed on. The hospital is where I dread going to because every time I visit my Gong Gong at the hospital, it hurts. It is like your mind will just wander thinking about the negatives that may happen. However, my Gong Gong is a strong and fit person with all the walking he have done in the past, he stayed strong and never gave up. My family and relatives also stayed strong and never show signs of breaking down.

Then came the news when I was in my National Service, my Dad called my camp to inform my commander that my Gong Gong had passed away. It was one week before my Passing Out Parade which I wanted everyone to attend including my Gong Gong. It hit me hard and on the day of the cremation, everyone just broke down to tears. People like my Dad and uncles who are always looking strong could not handle their emotions. It was all too sudden for all of us.

But I know that he will be watching over us from above and he will always be in my heart the best person who I will become when I get older. A kind and gentle Gong Gong with less talk more action attitude and does not ask anything in return. :’)


  1. Hi Benjamin, thanks for sharing this intimate reflection on your grandfather and his influence. Surely he is proud of his family, and of your achievements right now.

  2. This is a very interesting tribute to your Gong Gong, Benjamin. Since you write with clear detail, it is easy for us readers to imagine your family gatherings with your grandfather at the the heart of them. It is also easy for us to envision you as the obedient grandson, walking together with your Gong Gong in the evening after the family feast.

    I probably relate well to your story also because I was closest to my grandpa when I was growing up. He was more like a father to me in some ways than my own dad since my own dad was so young when I was a kid. Grandpa was the man who seemed more like the role model, and I sense that sort of feeling from your post.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!
