Monday 9 November 2015

Oral Presentation: Personal Reflection

On the 5th of November, my group was tasked to present our proposal to the class. We separated our parts into 4 different parts. The first part consisted of background and introduction. Next is the existing and improvement to current solutions. Thirdly, it was our own proposed solution and lastly was the conclusion. I was tasked to present the conclusion of our proposal. 

My presentation skills have not been my forte due to my poor use of vocabulary and nervousness in front of an audience but I have seen an improvement in my speeches for the past few years thanks to National Service as I have to give presentations often. Days before the presentation, I was quite confident in delivering the conclusion. The only issue I had was to speak longer. The first time I practiced my conclusion, I only managed to clock around 1 minutes which was too short as compared to my other team members. My members and professor gave me guidance on how to improve and lengthen my conclusion. I took in their advice and practiced at home. 

On the day of the presentation, I read through my slides on my way to school. I was confident and determined to present my conclusion. However, when it was my turn to give the conclusion for our proposal, I could not find the words to say. Suddenly, I felt nervous, words coming out was not what I had wanted to say and then I started to feel uneasy. It was the same feeling when I gave my first presentation in poly in which I was very nervous. My eye contacts were moving everywhere and I even forgotten to click on my slides. I do not know why I could not deliver as I wanted to. After reading my peers feedback, all of them wrote the same thing like 1) looks nervous 2) no eye contacts with audience. 

This made me reflect on how I can improve on my presentation. One is to improve my confidence when speaking, be natural about yourself and always keep on practicing a few times before the presentation date. The feedback given by my peers will make me a stronger person as I will learn from the mistakes I have done and improve in the areas which I am lacking in.